Ulysses statue Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

ULYSSES Experiment


Divina Commedia - Inferno

  1. A. Feliciello, "Study of $\Lambda$-hypernuclei weak decay at the K1.1 beam line", Second International Workshop on the Extension Project for the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility, J-PARC, Tokai, Japan, February 16 - 18, 2022. (slides)

  2. A. Feliciello, "The ($\pi^-$,$K^0$) reaction: a new tool for hypernuclear physics", THEIA-STRONG2020 Workshop 2019, Speyer, Germany, November 25 - 29, 2019. (slides)

  3. A. Feliciello, "Study of the ($\pi^-$,$K^0$) reaction on nuclei at J-PARC", HYP 2018 - 13th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics, Portsmouth, VA, USA, June 24 - 29, 2018. (slides)

  4. A. Feliciello, "Measurement of the $_\Lambda ^3$H lifetime and of weak decay partial widths of mirror $p$-shell $\Lambda$-hypernuclei", International Workshop on the project for the extended hadron experimental facility of J-PARC, J-PARC, Tokai, Japan, March 26 - 28, 2018. (slides)

  5. A. Feliciello, "The puzzle of the $_\Lambda ^3$H and $_\Lambda ^4$H lifetimes", ASTRA: Advances and open problems in low-energy nuclear and hadronic STRAngeness physics, ECT*, Trento, Italy, October 23-27, 2017. (slides)

  6. A. Feliciello, "Experiments on hypernuclei", INFN2016 - III Incontro Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, LNF, Frascati (RM), Italy, November 14 - 16, 2016. (slides)

  7. A. Feliciello, "$_\Lambda^3$H lifetime: an open issue in hypernuclear physics", INPC2016 - 26th International Nuclear Physics Conference, Adelaide, Australia, September 11 - 16, 2016. (slide)

  8. A. Feliciello, "Weak decay of $\Lambda$-hypernuclei: future perspectives of a powerful discovery tool", INPC2016 - 26th International Nuclear Physics Conference, Adelaide, Australia, September 11 - 16, 2016. (slide)

  9. A. Feliciello, "Hypernuclear Physics at J-PARC", 8th Japan-Italy Symposium, RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan, March 7 - 10, 2016. (slides)

  10. A. Feliciello, "Measurement of the lifetime and of weak decay partial widths of mirror $p$-shell $\Lambda$-hypernuclei", International Workshop on Physics at the extended Hadron Experimental Facility of J-PARC, J-PARC, Tokai, Japan, March 5 - 6, 2016. (slides)

  11. E. Botta, "Precise Measurement of the Lifetime of Hydrogen Hyperisotopes: $_\Lambda^3$H and $_\Lambda^4$H", International Workshop on Physics at the extended Hadron Experimental Facility of J-PARC, J-PARC, Tokai, Japan, March 5 - 6, 2016. (slides)

  12. E. Botta, "Hypernuclear physics studies with FINUDA", International workshop on production and study of neutron-rich hypernuclei - Physics and potentialities at FAIR/R3B, Espace de Structure et de ractions Nucléaires Théorique (ESNT), CEA, SPhN, Orme des Merisiers, France, January 19 - 21, 2016. (slides)

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